Non-Fungible Token - NFT
Non-fungible tokens are digital assets having unique values, and they are not fungible. NFT aims to digitalize the artworks over the secured Block chain platform.
Non-fungible are a feature that indicates that they are not able to fraction/proportion the assets. For example, if you have 1000 rupees, it can be fractioned in a way like 10* 100 or 10*10*10 or 50*20, etc.
in the case of NFT, they are not able to fraction it.
is contains the value and details of the ownership of the digital asset.
can help the artist highlight their artistic talents to the world over the
digital platform.
NFT Marketplace
marketplace platform is an online store to display or list the NFTs for
sale with details. NFT is sold in two types like preset price and live auctions
with time limits. The users create the NFTs token on the marketplace and list
them for sale. There are various NFT Marketplaces available in the market.
NFT Price
Currently, the typical price for a single NFT Monkey is somewhere around 2090 ETH, or roughly $3408,000.
You can have a Best NFT art for around $10+ from Fiverr platform. Hire a top rated seller from Fiverr and then they will draw a amazing NFT Art for you .
Click the below link to Hire a professional NFT Designer.
Click and have a best NFT art.
Click and have a best NFT art 02
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